Lately I have been thinking a lot about WHO I really am. I've started to feel like pushing with friends and neighbors the fact that being creative is its own career! People who create (no matter the media), and inspire others to be creative, should be able to do that to pay the bills. I have been inspired by @scottthepainter and many others recently to create. Design is a media in itself. My creative release comes out in all kinds of places, whether that is the lamp from the 50's that I just repurposed by painting sunflower yellow and placing in front of my window, chopping up a motorcycle to have the sleek lines I'm looking for, shortening handlebars and changing wheel color on a bike, or remodeling a kitchen or bathroom for www.McKelveyDesigns.com. All of these are a visual creation/design.
What really gets to me is the fact that the only thing seen as "successful" in american standards is having a lot of money, big house, and a nice car. The only way to get there is to skip the art in a visual production in order to save $10 to get the lamp, motorcycle, bike, or bathroom faster and earn a few bucks by destroying more trees, and environment in the process.
-Success should be measured only in the eyes of the one who sets the goal. -
If that goal is to create, I pray you set beautiful goals for me to selfishly enjoy too!