December 19, 2007


i cant believe i'm saying it but i just shed a half tear while watching oprah on letterman tonight. mainly because of all the pain in the world. she said it best when she said its not that we're not doing enough. its that we sit back and enjoy our cappucino's and let world hunger and aids continue with out doing anything. and its true! what are we each doing to save our world? human beings are dying becuase we cant help support or even better, go help overseas.. much less locally! when was the last time you did anything to help anyone? are you showing christs love?

i'm reading a great book right now called "Revolution." the basic idea is dont label yourself a revolutionary but be one by doing things agains the grain. do what is right when no one else is. love god at all costs. stand up for those who dont have a voice of their own!!! BE a revolutionary. Jesus was.

1 comment:

MLS said...

I am a friend of Stacey Foshee's (who highlighted your blog on hers). I have finished reading a very empowering and inspiring book by Tom Davis called "Red Letters: Living a Faith that Bleeds". It is all about the AIDS pandemic and our call to help- as believers. You might like it.
