December 5, 2007

why me

so as i've come to another crossroads with god in asking "why me?" how come the last 2 relationships i have had have ended in the girl dating a "good" friend of mine. am i just "that guy" now? i think i could care less as long as the guy would approach me as a true friend and tell me whats going on. does that mean my friends dont believe in loyalty? or does that mean that i'm not making the right friends? only god knows. buy what does he want me to learn from all of this is really the true question? well....? god are you there...? i know you are but in our deepest valleys are the times we cry out the most for you and your comfort. i dont think i'm in that deep of a valley right now. i just mis our closeness. i almost feel like i'm on a different mountain all together and wish i could be in the valley to at least know i am being watched by you. take me to places that i've never even dreamed i could go. mold me make me to be like you!

1 comment:

Becky Kiser said...

justo!!! if it is a girl you want... i have lots of cute friends! :) just say the world and the names and numbers are yours!