January 19, 2009

hudson miracles?

have you ever been watching something and it makes you cry... but you still can't look away? i was watching "the miracle on the hudson" coverage (so they call it) and i couldnt help but thinking i wish there was something i could do. ps: why do i write blogs about each time i cry? maybe thats why its been so long since my last one... yo no se?  

basically- what can you do to help those around you in an extraordinary way? not just going out of your way to be nice and say hi, but if your plane was going down (not in a river) what kind of legacy would you be leaving? would people remember you because of your love/ character/ integrity/ compassion? who are you? 

dont let your mind get lost in the monotony of routine!   "i get out of all your boxes" -lauryn hill

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